My Nephews Crack Me Up

Posts Tagged ‘Family

Thought I’d bring you something a little different today. I was recently told of a conversation between my 80 plus year old grandmother and my uncle. It was sort of Abbott and Costello-ish.

My grandparents have an in-window air conditioning unit in each room. One day, when it was really hot outside, grandma noticed that the AC unit in the living room wasn’t blowing any cold air, so she figured it had stopped working and called my uncle to come over to fix it. Turns out, the reason the AC wasn’t blowing cold air is because no one had turned it on.

“I just figured it wasn’t on because it was broken,” grandma said.

“But why did you think it was broken?” my uncle asked curiously.

“Because it wasn’t on,” she responded.

“So then why didn’t you just turn it on?” he asked with confusion

“Because I thought it was broken.”

“Well did you check it to see if it was working?”


“Why not?”

“Because it wasn’t on.”

You see where this is going, right? I think this is the point where my uncle got frustrated and left. I love my grandma. She cracks me up!

My brother, my mom and I were sitting on the couch watching tv when the Little One walked in the room to talk to his dad.

“Dad, I’m hungry,” he said with a pitiful looking face.

“Okay, give me a minute and I’ll fix you something to eat,” my brother replied, still watching tv.

“But dad, I’m hungry,” the Little One started to whine.

“Just wait one minute. I’m in the middle of something.”

“But you’re not doing anything,” he said incredulously. “You’re just sitting there.”

Yeah, you guessed it, I started cracking up. What could my brother say, technically he wasn’t really doing anything.

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