My Nephews Crack Me Up

Archive for February 2010

Got another story for you about the Little One. This one happened a few weeks ago and I put it on Facebook. Now, I work from home, one of the many perks of my job. The Little One came home from school, and as he always does, he came into my office to greet me. This day, however, instead of greeting me with a hug and typical “Auntie!” he instead hugged me and said, “I got it!” So, I looked down and said, “What did you get?” He seemed to be really excited about it, so I, being a supportive auntie, wanted to share in his excitement. He leaned over the other chair in the room and responded, “I got the booger!” So, I ask him, “Um, where’s the booger?” He replied, “It’s on my arm.” I checked the arm – no booger. Okay, so now I’m concerned. I mean, he’d just hugged me! So I’m looking around, checking my shirt, checking my pants, my desk, my laptop, and everything else nearby. The last thing I want to do is look down and see a booger sitting on my desk. Or worse, reach down to grab my pen and grab his booger instead. I pointed out to him that there was no booger on his arm, to which he was perfectly calm. Me? Still searching for the lost booger. He seemed to think that was funny because he started giggling. So I ask him again, “Where’s the booger??” So my littlest nephew, not yet having learned all of the words to properly express himself, instead demonstrated to me what happened to the booger. He said, “I put it on my arm and did this,” The “this” was him licking his arm! Needless to say, I was a little more than grossed out by that! I said, “EEEEWW!!” Of course, he thought that was hilarious and started cracking up.

ONE! TWO! THREE! And he’s OUT!!

I think SpongeBob won . . .

Okay, so I gotta tell you about the itchy butt hands. This is The Little One again. This kid is too smart for his own good, or smart aleck, take your pick. My littlest nephew has some sort of weird fascination with his butt. He used to go around the house, stick out his butt out and yell, “Look at my butt! Look at my butt!” I don’t know, maybe it’s a guy thing. I don’t ever recall being that fascinated with my butt. Anyway, this morning, The Little One was eating cereal when he got an itch. The reason I know this is because he felt the need to announce that his butt itched, so I said to scratch it. Once he’d scratched to his heart’s content, he reached down to pick up his spoon to start eating again. I told him he had to go wash his hands because he had itchy butt hands and couldn’t eat cereal with itchy butt hands. To avoid having to go into the bathroom to put some of that dreaded soap and water on his hands, he put the spoon down and picked it up with his other hand to eat and said “See, I don’t have to wash my hands now!” The things a 4 year can come up with!

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